CBR – Field Laboratory

CBR – Field Laboratory – Grass Root Programs

The CBR-DTC has been developing various approaches to CBR training and implementation for more than 30 years. In order to learn how to do BR and obtain more effective ways, CBR-DTC has established CBR project from one village to over 80 and provided various appropriate training. In the meantime, concept, training and implementation of CBR have significantly evolved.



Disability prevention, early detection, intervention, stimulation, health promotion and medical care services have being done at Posyandu (Integrated Health Post) in village level.
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In CBR program, available rehabilitation service in village grass root level is primary rehabilitation therapy. It is important to note that primary rehabilitation therapy is basic therapy that can be done by volunteers:  by families or parents and community volunteer or CBR Cadres.
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15CBR provides services for early childhood education in Posyandu and PAUD (early childhood education). Due to CBR program, inclusive disability in Posyandu provides more comprehensive services for children under five, because CBR integrates its activities in the Posyandu. The PAUD develops and grows up recently in numbers and quality throughout Indonesia. Read More


25Even though establishing CBR programmes with a community development focus is the primary goal of the center, those in need of immediate assistance in non – programme areas cannot be ignored. To provide this type of assistance ( medical rehabilitation, provision of assistive devices, training and education) the center has developed an ongoing individual aid programme. Read More


PRA 1The implementation strategy for CBR project is unique in that it is based on the principles of community development applied in both the community and government agencies. Initial information gathering and the entry into the community are accomplished using the community development technique of participatory rural appraisal ( PRA ).
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20150411_112440Special schools are resource of CBR. Even though there are many disadvantages and limitations of special school however their existence are still needed. Read More
